Sunday, November 22, 2009

Have you Been Dumped? Tips to Overcome Misery

Been dumped by your couple is the thing that is the most unacceptable. Person who you love most could dump you. No matter what, you got to accept the fact that you have been dumped. Yeah I know how is it feel and how much changes we need to do to our life to adapt with our new life without someone who we were always been with. I am here to help with you. I got something that can help you to survive from been dumped misery. Try to follow tips below to get better.

Reset schedule

I know that you did so many things together. Had a breakfast together, went to classes together, went out together etc. In order to overcome your misery, you need to change all those things. For instance, try to go to have your breakfast with your friend so that you will not feel lonely and sad. Try to be closer with them. It will make you to forget everything about your misery.

Reshuffle yourself

What I meant by reshuffle yourself is make a little bit change to yourself. It can be your appearance, attitude or anything you think that is similar to your ex to make you forget about him/her. You can cut your hair short, or change it style. Change anything that makes you think or remember about your ex.

No drink no drug

There is no doubt peoples will straight away to booze if they are too frustrated. For good sake of yours, I would like to urge you please do not booze or take drug. It will make you misery getting worse. Certainly, it will help you to lose your ex. Your ex will look you as a jerk. You ruin your chance to get your ex back.


If you want to show to your ex that you can carry on your life without her/him, try to flirt in front of him/her. But remember that it might backfire. What goes around comes around. He may flirt for real that will make you damn frustrated. Otherwise, you still can show to him/her that you can carry on your life by being happy with your friends rather than flirting.

Throw away keepsakes

I know there must be many keepsakes given by your ex. All you have to is throw them away or just keep them you can give them to peoples who.

Don’t ever try to commit suicide because of love. It is damn stupid. Thee many things you can do to overcome misery. You may meet a better person that can take care of you and be with you forever. If you have been dumped, remember that is not the end of your world. As usual, thank you so much for reading Have you Been Dumped? Tips to Overcome Misery. I really appreciate.

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